Title I

An Overview

Title I, the largest federal education program, is the foundation of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. Title I funds are provided to schools with large numbers of economically-disadvantaged students. Based on the needs of their student subgroups, Title I schools design instructional programs and provide student services to supplement existing programs that are financed through local, state, and other federal funds. These additional funds are used to design strategies that meet the needs of students that are most at risk for school failure. Services may include implementing effective instructional practices, hiring teachers to reduce class size, purchasing materials and supplies, and hiring additional teacher assistants or other personnel.

A school that is designated as a schoolwide Title I school has 40% or more of its student population receiving Free or Reduced Lunches. Four Greene County schools are currently Title I schools:\

  • Snow Hill Primary School
  • West Greene Elementary School
  • Greene County Intermediate School
  • Greene County Middle School

ESSA legislation requires that instruction in Title I schools be provided by licensed staff. Research shows that students make greater academic gains when instructed by highly-qualified professionals. To assist teachers and teacher assistants in attaining and maintaining their highly-qualified status, all schools provide scientifically, evidence-based professional development.

Since parent and family engagement is a key component to student academic achievement, Title I schools provide training to their staff to show them how to effectively include parents as partners in their children's education. Parents and family members of students attending Greene County Schools, especially Title I schools, are encouraged to be a vital part of the students' learning team. Schools provide materials and training to parents and families on how to support the child's social-emotional and academic progress.

Parents and family members in Title I schools also collaborate with educators to develop a written parent and family engagement policy that is distributed to parents and to plan and implement parent and family engagement strategies for the school. Through training and collaboration, parents and educators alike discover that parent involvement can take many forms and can provide a boost to the child's academic and social-emotional success.

Schoolwide Programming

Greene County Schools wants our parents to know...

As required by ESSA, Title I Part A, information is available at each school to include but is not limited to the following:

  • The School Improvement Plan
  • Qualifications of your child's teacher
  • Professional development opportunities for teachers and assistants to ensure highly qualified personnel
  • Information regarding state and local testing policy
  • Opportunities for parent engagement and input
  • The Greene County Schools Improvement Plan
  • The Greene County Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan and School-Parent Engagement Plan
  • Greene County System Report Card
  • School Report Card

Please contact your child's principal to receive this information upon request. If you would like to request information about the qualifications of the teacher and/or paraprofessional serving your child, please contact Ms. Jada Mumford at the central office.

Each school also hosts an annual Title I meeting at the beginning of each school year. This meeting is communicated to parents at the beginning of each school year.